With the world becoming increasingly digital, online communication continues to gain more relevance. Forums have always been an important part of online communication, as they provide a platform to engage in meaningful conversations and share insights on various topics.
However, with a plethora of forum posting sites available on the internet, finding the right one can be challenging. This post will review the best forum posting sites of 2023 and provide an in-depth analysis of the features and benefits of each. Additionally, we will offer tips and strategies on how to optimize forum submission site for effective communication.
What are forum posting sites?

Forum posting sites provide a platform for people to share ideas, opinions, and thoughts on various topics, such as politics, sports, entertainment, technology, and so on. They provide an opportunity for individuals to engage in meaningful conversations and interact with people from different parts of the world.
Exploring the purpose and benefits
One of the significant reasons for using forum submission site is that they help individuals to develop their communication and argumentative skills. By participating in forum discussions, users learn how to express their ideas clearly and concisely. They also learn how to listen to the views of others, evaluate these views, and provide counterpoints to them.
Additionally, forum submission site provide a sense of community for people who may feel isolated in their physical spaces. They allow individuals to connect with others who share similar interests and experiences, creating a sense of belonging and social support. Forums are also an excellent place for networking, as users can connect with people who may help them to achieve personal or professional goals.
Top Forum Submission Sites of 2023
1. Reddit
Reddit is one of the largest forum posting sites with over 130,000 subreddits dedicated to different topics. It offers a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and has a voting system that allows users to upvote or downvote a post, based on how they perceive its relevance or quality.
2. Quora
Quora is a popular forum submission site that focuses on answering questions. It allows users to post questions in various categories such as technology, academics, and business. The site has a user-friendly interface and is a great place for those seeking answers to their questions.
Stack Overflow is a forum posting site dedicated to developers. It is a community-driven platform where developers can share insights and solutions on various programming languages and systems.
4. 4chan
4chan is a forum posting site that allows users to post anonymously. It is popular for its free speech stance and its diverse collection of topics.
5. GameFAQs
GameFAQs is a forum posting site that focuses on video games. Users can ask and answer questions, share walkthroughs, and discuss upcoming releases.
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Analyzing the features and benefits of each of the forum posting sites on the list
- Reddit has a vast user base, making it an excellent platform for network building. Its voting system also creates an excellent opportunity for engagement and feedback.
- Quora is a great place for those seeking answers to their questions. It also has a reputation system that ranks users based on the quality of their answers, which encourages the provision of high-quality content.
- Stack Overflow, with its laser focus on development, makes it an excellent resource for developers to learn and share insights.
- 4Chan’s anonymity feature provides users with a safe space to share their opinions and thoughts without fear of judgment or retribution.
- GameFAQs’ focus on video games creates a community where avid gamers can gather and interact with one another, sharing their expertise and knowledge in video games.
Forum Submission Sites
1 | https://www.disboards.com |
2 | https://forums.episodeinteractive.com |
3 | https://forum.gardenersworld.com |
4 | https://www.autoflower.net |
5 | https://www.cakecentral.com |
6 | https://www.opengrow.com |
7 | https://www.thephotoforum.com |
8 | https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com |
9 | https://forums.soompi.com |
10 | https://forums.ea.com |
11 | https://lookbook.nu |
12 | https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com |
13 | https://community.etsy.com |
14 | https://www.techspot.com |
15 | https://forums.firehouse.com |
16 | https://www.hitched.co.uk |
17 | https://forums.livescience.com |
18 | https://forum.smallgiantgames.com |
19 | https://forum.drawmixpaint.com |
20 | https://www.aberdeennews.com |
21 | https://www.sidefx.com |
22 | https://davesgarden.com |
23 | https://forum.keyshot.com |
24 | https://www.japankuru.com |
25 | http://www.rocketfarms.com |
26 | https://forum.make-the-cut.com |
27 | https://forum.zazzle.com |
28 | https://forums.anandtech.com |
29 | https://openlab-flowers.inria.fr |
30 | https://smurfsforums.popreach.com |
31 | https://www.deviantart.com |
32 | https://www.cruise.co.uk |
33 | https://www.edaboard.com |
34 | http://www.rocketfarms.com |
35 | https://forums.firehouse.com |
36 | http://www.innspiring.com |
37 | https://www.fragrantica.com |
38 | https://www.caclubindia.com |
39 | https://www.findagrave.com |
40 | https://forum.affinity.serif.com |
41 | https://www.dpreview.com |
42 | https://www.weddingwire.com |
43 | https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com |
44 | http://forum.uscutter.com |
45 | https://www.snowboardingforum.com |
46 | https://community.etsy.com |
47 | https://www.hitched.co.uk |
48 | https://forum.smallgiantgames.com |
49 | https://forum.drawmixpaint.com |
50 | https://forums.livescience.com |
51 | https://www.youth4work.com |
52 | https://www.sidefx.com |
53 | https://davesgarden.com |
54 | https://forum.keyshot.com |
55 | https://www.japankuru.com |
56 | https://forum.make-the-cut.com |
57 | https://forum.zazzle.com |
58 | https://forums.anandtech.com |
59 | https://community.memrise.com |
60 | https://www.igarden.com.au |
61 | https://forum.makingfun.com |
62 | https://warriors.fandom.com |
63 | https://forums.warframe.com |
64 | https://forums.soompi.com |
65 | https://forum.profantasy.com |
66 | https://forum.squarespace.com |
67 | https://www.checkfront.com |
68 | https://www.techspot.com |
69 | https://www.cakecentral.com |
70 | https://forum.magic.fr |
71 | https://3dprintboard.com |
72 | https://www.impalas.net |
73 | https://forums.zmanda.com |
74 | https://forum.zenstudios.com |
75 | https://community.infosecinstitute.com |
76 | http://forum.giderosmobile.com |
77 | https://zubersoft.com |
78 | https://www.simbunch.com |
79 | http://forum.healthcabin.net |
80 | https://www.bigfishgames.com |
81 | https://singaporemotherhood.com |
82 | https://www.recipecommunity.com.au |
83 | http://forum.worldoftanks.com |
84 | https://www.ummah.com |
85 | https://forums.thesims.com |
86 | http://square-circle-forum.ning.com |
87 | https://teddybearacademy.net |
88 | https://forum.deadbydaylight.com |
89 | http://forum.submitexpress.com |
90 | https://forum.expressobeans.com |
91 | https://forum.pattaya-addicts.com |
92 | http://www.theringlord.org |
93 | https://www.tintdude.com |
94 | https://forum.nature-and-garden.com |
95 | https://forum.gardenersworld.com |
96 | https://www.supramkv.com |
97 | https://www.analystforum.com |
98 | https://www.tefn.org |
99 | https://lebenswertdigital.com |
100 | https://100ksidehustle.com |
Instant Approval Dofollow Forum Posting Sites
Forum submission is an effective way of promoting your website or blog. It allows you to connect with people who share similar interests as you and can help you drive traffic to your website. However, it is important to be careful while participating in forums.
Spamming or promoting your website directly can lead to a ban or suspension from the forum. It is better to engage with the community, answer questions and provide value to the discussion before suggesting your website as a source of more information.
Remember, building relationships and trust in the community should be your priority and the promotion of your website should be done subtly.
Sites Link | DA |
https://www.letsdiskuss.com/ | 17 |
http://bathotel.free.fr/punbb | 77 |
http://chessok.com/forum | 47 |
http://codingforums.com | 54 |
http://community.sitepoint.com | 87 |
http://community.skype.com | 96 |
http://forum.antp.be | 49 |
http://forum.arduino.cc | 88 |
http://forum.monstra.org | 48 |
http://forum.notebookreview.com | 70 |
http://forum.seopanel.in | 50 |
http://forum.statcounter.com/vb | 100 |
http://forum.strongholdcrusader2.com | 45 |
http://forum.submitexpress.com | 76 |
http://forum.wordreference.com | 81 |
http://forums.afterdawn.com | 64 |
http://forums.hostgator.com | 94 |
http://forums.lablit.com | 52 |
http://forums.mozillazine.org | 77 |
http://forums.seochat.com | 69 |
http://forums.teneric.co.uk | 38 |
http://newmovieforum.forumstopic.com | 47 |
http://online.wsj.com/community | 98 |
http://powellcountymontana.com/forum | 37 |
http://rockythemes.com/forum | 52 |
http://seoforums.org | 43 |
http://siteownersforums.com | 39 |
http://ubuntuforums.org | 79 |
http://websitebabble.com | 34 |
http://wondercms.com/forum | 47 |
http://www.ableton.com/forum | 74 |
http://www.acorndomains.co.uk | 45 |
http://www.addthis.com/forum | 100 |
http://www.affiliateseeking.com/forums | 47 |
http://www.alice.org/community | 67 |
http://www.askcleo.com | 25 |
http://www.australianwebmaster.com | 35 |
http://www.bbpress.org/forums | 75 |
http://www.bloggerforum.com | 41 |
http://www.bzimage.org | 37 |
http://www.chronicle.com/forums | 90 |
http://www.ckeditor.com/forums | 81 |
http://www.cre8asiteforums.com/forums | 49 |
http://www.davecullen.com/forum | 41 |
http://www.delphiforums.com | 58 |
http://www.developers.evrsoft.com/forum | 72 |
http://www.devhunters.com | 35 |
http://www.dnforum.com | 61 |
http://www.eubusiness.com/discussion | 62 |
http://www.expatsingapore.com/forum | 39 |
http://www.experienceadvertising.com/forum | 37 |
http://www.f-body.org/forums | 35 |
http://www.flickr.com/help/forum | 99 |
http://www.forum.textpattern.com | 76 |
http://www.forum.vbulletinsetup.com | 35 |
http://www.forums.onlinebookclub.org | 46 |
http://www.forums.seochat.com | 69 |
http://www.forums.seroundtable.com | 74 |
http://www.forums.webicy.com | 40 |
http://www.geekvillage.com/forums | 46 |
http://www.htmlforums.com | 39 |
http://www.ihelpyou.com/forums | 37 |
http://www.instantstorm.com/forum | 34 |
http://www.iq69.com/forums | 32 |
http://www.irishwebmasterforum.com | 34 |
http://www.korea4expats.com/forum-south-korea | 38 |
http://www.kvraudio.com/forum | 60 |
http://www.namepros.com/index.php | 70 |
http://www.plupload.com/punbb | 57 |
http://www.readynas.com/forum | 49 |
http://www.sba.gov/community | 95 |
http://www.searchbliss.com/forum | 51 |
http://www.seorefugee.com/forums | 37 |
http://www.simplemachines.org/community | 93 |
http://www.siteownersforums.com | 39 |
http://www.siteownersforums.com | 39 |
http://www.sitepoint.com/forums | 87 |
http://www.smallbusinessbrief.com/forum | 49 |
http://www.smallbusinessforums.org | 35 |
http://www.submitexpress.com/bbs | 76 |
http://www.talkgold.com/forum | 48 |
http://www.techimo.com | 47 |
http://www.techsupportforum.com | 60 |
http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum | 48 |
http://www.tm-forum.com | 38 |
http://www.ubuntuforums.org | 79 |
http://www.universalmediaserver.com/forum | 40 |
http://www.v7n.com/forums | 51 |
http://www.vbulletinsetup.com | 35 |
http://www.warriorforum.com | 66 |
http://www.webcosmoforums.com | 43 |
http://www.webdigity.com | 39 |
http://www.webmasterforums.com | 40 |
http://www.webmaster-forums.net | 38 |
http://www.webmasterserve.com | 34 |
http://www.webmaster-talk.com | 47 |
http://www.web-mastery.net | 32 |
http://www.webproworld.com | 50 |
http://www.websitebabble.com | 34 |
http://www.webtalkforums.com | 34 |
http://www.webworkshop.net/seoforum | 54 |
http://www.whydowork.com/forums | 35 |
http://www.writersdigest.com/forum | 79 |
http://www.zymic.com/forum | 52 |
http://https://forum.ableton .com | 74 |
http://https://forum.filezilla-project.org | 88 |
http://https://forum.maniaplanet.com | 50 |
http://https://forum.siteground.com | 94 |
http://https://social.microsoft.com/Forums | 100 |
http://https://theadminzone.com | 49 |
http://https://trafficplanet.com | 40 |
http://https://www.blackhatworld.com | 55 |
http://https://www.cnet.com/forums | 95 |
http://https://www.namepros.com | 70 |
http://https://www.nintendoworldreport.com/forums | 51 |
http://https://www.phpbb.com/community | 96 |
www.marketlist.com/forums | 40 |
www.rw-designer.com/forum | 50 |
www.debate.org/forums | 49 |
www.ocdaction.org.uk/forum | 56 |
www.faadforum.com | 12 |
www.phpbb.com/community | 96 |
www.thestudentroom.co.uk/forum.php | 69 |
www.ocportal.com/forum | 50 |
www.veteranaid.org/forums | 58 |
www.facepunch.com | 57 |
www.forums.equestriadaily.com | 48 |
www.ganoksin.com/orchid | 54 |
www.topix.com/forum | 79 |
www.answers.yahoo.com | 100 |
www.indusladies.com/forums | 37 |
www.small-business-forum.net | 32 |
forum.purseblog.com | 56 |
www.jewelrymakingdaily.com/forums | 36 |
www.pricescope.com/forum | 41 |
forums.watchuseek.com/forum.php | 54 |
www.avangard-ro.ru/forums | 30 |
www.wholesaleforum.com | 29 |
forums.bellaonline.com | 62 |
www.weddingsonline.in/forums | 31 |
www.freeadzforum.com | 22 |
www.mysteryshopforum.com | 28 |
www.discussion-forums.com | 22 |
www.freekaamaal.com | 54 |
www.skyscrapercity.com | 70 |
www.funonthenet.in/forums | 43 |
www.beamng.com | 40 |
www.projecthax.com | 24 |
www.lovielimes.com | 22 |
www.freehostforum.com | 32 |
www.talkgold.com/forum | 50 |
www.abestweb.com/forums | 53 |
forum.topeleven.com | 50 |
forums.mymemories.com | 49 |
www.africaguide.com/forums | 56 |
studentedge.org/forums/ | 42 |
forum.owncloud.org | 81 |
sci.rutgers.edu/forum | 85 |
www.kritz.net/forum | 35 |
www.accessifyforum.com | 53 |
www.webhostingtalk.com | 75 |
www.affiliateseeking.com/forums | 48 |
www.siteownersforums.com | 40 |
www.blenderartists.org/forum | 56 |
www.jewelryforums.net | 13 |
www.shroomery.org/forums | 48 |
www.ozzu.com | 42 |
www.gamershood.com/forum | 38 |
www.craftsforum.co.uk | 36 |
www.htmlforums.com | 40 |
www.performancein.com/forums | 54 |
www.abestweb.com/forums | 53 |
www.yourstoreforums.com | 19 |
www.mywot.com/en/forum | 75 |
www.ecwid.com/forums | 83 |
algarve-wedding.freeforums.net | 51 |
www.ecommercebytes.com/forums | 60 |
forums.online-sweepstakes.com | 50 |
www.funonthenet.in/forums | 43 |
wordpress.org/support | 100 |
mgldev.scripps.edu/forum | 79 |
www.webmasterserve.com | 35 |
www.bestshoppingforum.com | 29 |
forum.smarthide.com | 36 |
forums.moneysavingexpert.com | 78 |
www.cyclingforums.com | 41 |
forum.ovh.com | 91 |
forum.powweb.com | 61 |
forums.envato.com | 88 |
forums.hawkhost.com | 61 |
www.expat-blog.com/forum | 59 |
www.ocbeekeepers.org/forums | 27 |
www.webicy.com | 41 |
www.webcosmoforums.com | 44 |
www.moborobo.com | 49 |
cboard.cprogramming.com | 64 |
www.thefreeadforum.com | 44 |
www.lets-talk-in-english.com/forum | 24 |
digital-photography-school.com/forum | 79 |
www.africaguide.com/forums | 56 |
www.magentoexpertforum.com | 20 |
www.neowin.net/forum | 80 |
www.webdeveloper.com/forum | 66 |
www.rarityguide.com/forums | 31 |
www.erc.edu/forum | 63 |
www.watchreport.com/forum | 44 |
theory.cm.utexas.edu/forum | 91 |
www.javaprogrammingforums.com | 31 |
www.erc.edu/forum | 63 |
www.watchreport.com/forum | 44 |
theory.cm.utexas.edu/forum | 91 |
www.javaprogrammingforums.com | 31 |
www.codingforums.com | 55 |
www.fashionindustrynetwork.com/forum | 42 | tr>
www.studyconnect.com/forums | 21 |
forum.shoppingtelly.com | 29 |
www.mytokri.com | 36 |
www.talkingcity.com | 31 |
www.envirolink.org/forum | 74 |
forums.hostgator.com | 94 |
www.zyngaplayerforums.com | 40 |
www.knittinghelp.com/forum | 58 |
www.entropiaforum.com/forum | 32 |
www.gamershood.com/forum | 38 |
forum.santabanta.com | 49 |
www.webdesignforums.net | 40 |
www.androidforums.com | 67 |
forum.siteground.com | 95 |
www.mathforum.org | 82 |
forums.techguy.org | 54 |
www.sailingforums.com | 24 |
forums.freshershome.com | 33 |
hardforum.com | 59 |
www.dnforum.com | 60 |
www.mediamonkey.com/forum | 65 |
forums.linuxmint.com | 78 |
www.wilderssecurity.com | 58 |
www.theverge.com/forums | 92 |
www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums | 81 |
www.coffeecup.com/forums | 78 |
www.topmudsites.com/forums | 45 |
xenforo.com/community | 82 |
www.theadminzone.com | 50 |
www.basenotes.net/forum.php | 48 |
forums.redflagdeals.com | 57 |
www.ampower.me | 28 |
gmatclub.com/forum | 44 |
forum.wordreference.com | 81 |
forums.overclockers.co.uk | 63 |
homeservershow.com/forums/ | 40 |
www.cre8asiteforums.com | 50 |
www.iptvtalk.org | 26 |
boards.straightdope.com | 74 |
www.delphiforums.com | 58 |
forums.formz.com | 48 |
tvbeta.org | 15 |
talk.collegeconfidential.com | 61 |
forum.bodybuilding.com | 79 |
www.myhattiesburg.com/forums | 24 |
www.digitalocean.com/community | 88 |
http://www.gardenstew.com | 41 |
http://www.gbs-cidp.org | 53 |
http://forum.plaxo.com | 71 |
http://www.claroline.net | 52 |
http://forum.claroline.net | 52 |
http://forum.wordpress-deutschland.org | 47 |
http://www.feedforall.com | 45 |
http://www.webmasterforums.com | 29 |
http://boards.roadrunnerrecords.co.uk | 48 |
htt p://www.brooklynian.com | 42 |
http://forum.isilo.com | 48 |
http://arch.designcommunity.com | 43 |
http://3d.designcommunity.com | 43 |
http://forum.visagesoft.com | 43 |
http://www.podcastalley.com | 57 |
http://www.podcastalley.com | 57 |
http://www.chinalanguage.com | 42 |
How to Use Forum Posting Sites Effectively
- Choose the right platform: Different platforms have different audiences. Choose the one that is best for your needs.
- Follow the rules: Each platform has its rules and etiquette. Follow them to avoid being banned.
- Be clear and concise: When posting, make sure your message is clear and well-written, with proper grammar and sentence structure.
- Respond to others: If someone responds to your post, make sure to acknowledge and engage with them.
- Be respectful: Remember to engage with others respectfully, even if you disagree with their viewpoints.
Discussing best posting practices and etiquette for engaging with a forum community
- Don’t spam: Posting irrelevant or mass content can be damaging to your reputation and hurt your chances of garnering engagement.
- Don’t feed the trolls: Trolls thrive on negative attention. Best to ignore them instead of engaging.
- Use visuals: Adding visual content to your posts is an excellent way to engage your audience. People are more likely to take note of and engage with visually appealing content.
- Post regularly: Posting regularly keeps you at the forefront of your audience’s minds and increases your chances of getting engagement.
- Engage with others: Engaging with other users on the platform is an excellent way to build your reputation and get noticed.
Forums have always been a vital part of the internet. They offer an opportunity for individuals to connect with others who share similar interests, learn new things, and express their thoughts. In this post, we have reviewed the top forum posting sites of 2023, providing an in-depth analysis of their features and benefits.
We have also offered tips and strategies for optimizing forum posting sites for effective communication, including choosing the right platform, following the rules, being respectful, using visual content, and engaging regularly with others on the platform.
In conclusion, forum posting sites offer a unique opportunity for anyone seeking to engage in online communication effectively. By using these sites, individuals can build their communication and argumentative skills, expand their knowledge, and connect with a vast network of people from different parts of the world.