How to get Adsense approval know secrets tips

Are you tired of seeing other bloggers effortlessly monetize their websites while you struggle to get AdSense approval? 😫 You’re not alone. Many content creators find themselves in a frustrating cycle of application rejections, unsure of what they’re doing wrong.

But here’s the good news: getting AdSense approval doesn’t have to be a mystery. 🕵️‍♀️ With the right strategy and preparation, you can transform your website into an AdSense-ready platform that Google will love. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting out, this guide will walk you through the essential steps to unlock the door to AdSense success.

From understanding AdSense requirements to optimizing your website and perfecting your application, we’ll cover everything you need to know. Get ready to turn your content into cash as we dive into the five key steps that will set you on the path to AdSense approval. Let’s begin your journey to monetization success! 💰🚀

How to get Adsense approval

Understand AdSense Requirements

To increase your chances of getting AdSense approval, it’s crucial to fully understand and meet Google’s requirements. Let’s break down the key aspects you need to focus on:

A. Meet minimum age and content requirements

  • Minimum age: 18 years old
  • Content age: At least 6 months old

B. Ensure website ownership

To apply for AdSense, you must:

  • Own the website
  • Have full control over its content

C. Comply with AdSense policies

AdSense has strict policies to maintain quality. Here are some key areas to focus on:

Policy AreaRequirements
ContentFamily-friendly, original, and valuable
NavigationClear and easy to use
Site StructureWell-organized and accessible
User ExperienceNo excessive ads or pop-ups

D. Have sufficient original content

Your website should have:

  • At least 30 unique, high-quality articles
  • Content that provides value to visitors
  • Regular updates to keep the site fresh

By thoroughly understanding and meeting these AdSense requirements, you’ll be well-positioned for approval. Remember, Google values websites that offer genuine value to users, so focus on creating excellent content and a positive user experience. With these fundamentals in place, you’ll be ready to move on to optimizing your website for AdSense approval.

Read more: How to make money using Facebook ads

Optimize Your Website

Now that you understand AdSense requirements, it’s time to focus on optimizing your website to increase your chances of approval. Here are the key areas to concentrate on:

A. Create high-quality, original content

Producing valuable, unique content is crucial for AdSense approval. Focus on:

  • Researching topics thoroughly
  • Writing in-depth articles (1000+ words)
  • Using proper grammar and spelling
  • Avoiding duplicate content

B. Improve site navigation and user experience

A well-organized website enhances user experience and impresses AdSense reviewers:

  • Create clear menu structures
  • Implement breadcrumbs
  • Use internal linking effectively
  • Ensure consistent design across pages

C. Ensure mobile responsiveness

With mobile traffic dominating, a responsive design is essential:

  • Use responsive themes or frameworks
  • Test your site on various devices
  • Optimize images for mobile viewing

D. Enhance site loading speed

Fast-loading websites are crucial for user satisfaction and AdSense approval:

Optimize imagesReduces file size
Minify CSS/JSImproves load time
Use cachingEnhances performance
Choose reliable hostingEnsures consistent speed

E. Implement proper SEO practices

Good SEO practices improve visibility and credibility:

  1. Use descriptive titles and meta descriptions
  2. Implement header tags (H1, H2, etc.) correctly
  3. Optimize images with alt text
  4. Create an XML sitemap

By focusing on these optimization strategies, you’ll not only increase your chances of AdSense approval but also improve your overall website performance and user experience. Next, we’ll explore how to set up your website correctly for AdSense integration.

Set Up Your Website Correctly

Now that you’ve optimized your website, it’s crucial to ensure it’s set up correctly to increase your chances of AdSense approval. Let’s dive into the essential steps you need to take.

A. Choose a reliable hosting provider

Selecting a dependable hosting provider is fundamental for your website’s performance and reliability. Consider the following factors:

  • Uptime guarantee
  • Server speed
  • Customer support
  • Scalability options

Here’s a comparison of popular hosting providers:

ProviderUptimeSpeedSupportPrice Range
SiteGround99.99%Very Fast24/7$6.99-$14.99/mo

B. Secure your site with HTTPS

Implementing HTTPS is crucial for:

  • Protecting user data
  • Building trust with visitors
  • Improving search engine rankings

Most hosting providers offer free SSL certificates, making it easy to switch to HTTPS.

Include these essential pages to comply with AdSense policies:

  1. Privacy Policy
  2. Terms of Service
  3. About Us
  4. Contact Page

D. Implement clear site structure

A well-organized site structure helps both users and search engines navigate your content easily. Consider:

  • Logical menu hierarchy
  • Clear categories and tags
  • Internal linking strategy
  • Sitemap implementation

By following these steps, you’ll create a solid foundation for your website, increasing your chances of AdSense approval and providing a better user experience.

Prepare for AdSense Application

Now that you’ve optimized your website and set it up correctly, it’s time to prepare for your AdSense application. This crucial step ensures you have all the necessary elements in place before submitting your application.

A. Verify your website in Google Search Console

Verifying your website in Google Search Console is essential for establishing your site’s legitimacy. This process involves:

  1. Adding your website to Google Search Console
  2. Choosing a verification method (HTML file, HTML tag, DNS record, or Google Analytics)
  3. Following the provided instructions to complete verification

B. Set up Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides valuable insights into your website’s performance. To set it up:

  1. Create a Google Analytics account
  2. Set up a property for your website
  3. Add the tracking code to your website’s HTML

C. Create a professional email address

A professional email address enhances your credibility. Options include:

Email TypeExampleRecommendation
Domain-basedyou@yourdomain.comHighly recommended
Business Gmailyourbusiness@gmail.comAcceptable
Personal Gmailyourname@gmail.comLess preferred

D. Gather required personal information

Before applying, ensure you have the following information ready:

  • Full legal name
  • Mailing address
  • Phone number
  • Tax information (varies by country)
  • Payment details for receiving AdSense earnings

By thoroughly preparing these elements, you’ll increase your chances of a smooth AdSense application process and improve your likelihood of approval.

Overview of the AdSense application process

The first step in applying for AdSense is to visit the official Google AdSense website. And create an account using your Gmail address or G Suite email address if you have one available. 

Once your account has been created, you will need to fill out all required information fields before submitting your application form for review by Google’s team of experts who will evaluate it before granting approval or rejecting it due to any violation(s) they may find with regards to their policies and guidelines outlined by them when signing up with the service.

Google AdSense approval tips

Tips for submitting a successful application

When submitting your application form, make sure that all information provided is accurate as incomplete or incorrect information might lead to the rejection of your application right away! 

Additionally, avoid trying multiple applications as this could affect your chances negatively since Google keeps track of such activities too! 

Finally, make sure you read all terms & conditions carefully as well as review all program policies thoroughly before sending in an application request so that you understand what’s expected from both sides – yours and theirs – before taking part in this agreement between parties involved!

Strategies for improving your chances of approval

Before submitting your application, it’s important to make sure that your website complies with all of Google’s AdSense program policies. This includes ensuring that you have a clear privacy policy in place, as well as making sure that any content on your website is appropriate for all audiences and not in violation of any laws or regulations. 

Additionally, you should pay attention to how ads are displayed on your website – they must be visible and clearly labeled so visitors know they are viewing an advertisement.

Have Quality Content on Your Website.

For your AdSense application to be approved, it’s important to ensure that your website has quality content. This means having content that is original, well-written, informative and up-to-date. 

Additionally, you should avoid using too many keywords in the text or having low-quality images or videos on the site as this could impact approval negatively.

Make Your Website Visible

It’s essential to make sure your website is visible online if you want to get approved for an AdSense account – this means optimizing it for search engines like Google so more people can find it when searching online. 

You can do this by creating high-quality content with relevant keywords and backlinks from other websites; also consider submitting your site directly to search engines such as Google My Business and Bing Webmaster Tools for increased visibility.

Keep Your Website Organized

Google looks favorably upon websites that are organized and easy to navigate – this makes them easier for users to explore the different sections of the site which may lead them towards clicking those AdSense ads! 

To keep things organized try using a simple navigation menu at the top of each page with links leading users through different pages related topics; also organize posts into categories/tags according to their topic so readers can easily find what they’re looking for without getting overwhelmed by too much information at once!

Common reasons for AdSense application rejections

One of the most common reasons AdSense applications are rejected is due to inadequate content quality. Google requires that all websites contain quality content, meaning relevant and accurate information with good grammar and spelling. 

Poorly written articles, copy-and-pasted text from other sources and low-quality images can all lead to rejection. Additionally, sites should be updated regularly with fresh content for AdSense approval.

Issues with Ad placement

Google also has strict requirements regarding ad placement on a website. Ads must be placed correctly on each page so as not to interfere with the user’s experience or distract from the content of the site itself. 

Ads cannot be placed too close to other ads or website elements such as navigation bars and footers; nor can they obstruct any part of the page or overlap one another in any way. 

Additionally, ads should never be used as a form of enticement for users; this includes placing them within pop-ups or using deceptive wording around them (such as “earn money now”).

Technical issues

AdSense applications may also be rejected due to technical issues with a website such as slow loading times, broken links, coding errors, or incompatibility with certain browsers/operating systems/devices etc. 

To ensure successful application approval it is important to make sure your website is functioning optimally before applying; this means checking for the lag time when loading pages, ensuring all links work properly (including backlinks), and fixing any coding errors that could affect how a page displays in different browsers/operating systems/devices etc.

Unacceptable websites and content

Finally, there are certain types of websites and content that Google does not allow in its AdSense program including adult material (e.g.: pornography), alcohol advertising-related sites (e.g.: sites that promote drinking), gambling, and websites with violent or hate-speech related content. 

It is important to familiarize yourself with Google’s AdSense Program Policies before applying to ensure it meets all the requirements for approval.

What to do if you’re AdSense application was rejected

When you receive an email from Google AdSense notifying you that your application was rejected. It will usually include information on why it was not approved.

It is important to review this feedback thoroughly and make changes to your website or content accordingly to increase your chances of being approved the next time around. 

Common reasons for rejection can include inadequate content quality, issues with ad placement, technical issues, or unacceptable websites and content.

Make the necessary changes and resubmit your application

Once you have reviewed the feedback provided by Google AdSense and identified any areas that need improvement. it is important to make the necessary changes before resubmitting your application for approval. 

If certain aspects of your website or content do not meet the program policies outlined by Google AdSense, take measures to ensure these are addressed before attempting another application submission. 

Be sure all relevant details are included in the resubmission form such as an accurate description of what type of website you own (e-commerce/blog/social media platform etc.), as this will help expedite the process when submitting a new application.

Contact AdSense support

If after reviewing the feedback provided in response to your rejected AdSense application and making necessary changes still results in rejection then contacting AdSense support may be beneficial in understanding why this happened and how best to resolve any underlying issues preventing approval from being granted. 

This can be done via their online contact form which provides a comprehensive list of questions related specifically to AdSense applications along with additional resources for further assistance if needed. 

Having someone from Google’s support team review your case directly could result in greater insights into any mistakes made during the process which could lead to successful approval upon subsequent attempts at applying for an account with them.


In conclusion, getting your AdSense application approved can be a difficult process. However, by following the tips and strategies outlined in this blog post, you will be well on your way to achieving success with AdSense. Make sure to review the program policies thoroughly before applying, create quality content for your website, make your website visible to potential visitors and keep it organized for easy navigation. 

Additionally, if your application is rejected for any reason, take the time to review why it was rejected. And make necessary changes before resubmitting it or contacting AdSense support for assistance. With a little bit of effort and dedication, you can get approved for an AdSense account. And start earning money from advertising on your website! So don’t hesitate – to take the first step towards monetizing your online presence today!

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