How members invitation for meeting online

If you are working in a company or you have your own business, so you should know how members invitation for meeting online, because holding a meeting every quarter or yearly is important.

So that you can check the performance of your employees or subordinates. It doesn’t matter what is the goal of a meeting, some people hold meetings to share their ideas or new improvements they need to do in the organization.

But whatever the reason, you have to put a good impression on your business trips or meeting and for that, you have to send your invitation in such a way that your employees get motivated to join the meeting.

Since its lockdown and I will expect that you want to invite your members to attend the meeting online by using different online platforms such as GoogleMeet, ZOOM, and Skype. ( Later in this blog I will also talk about which platform is good for professional meetings.

Ways to invite members online to attend the meeting for your business presentation?

1. Invite using the professional platfrom

There are a number of ways to send invitation links to your members, you can WhatsApp them or send them to message them on their social media, but the problem this way is that it doesn’t look professional, especially if you are holding a professional meeting within an organization or business.

So you have to make sure you keep it professional because having a professional invitation will motivate your members to join the meeting.

Methods to send an invitation for a meeting

  1. Use emails: By using emails you can send professional meeting invitations and people tend to use emails for professional purpose.
  2. LinkidIn: It is one of the most professional paltform which are used by professional people and businessmen, you can take advantage of the this paltform and send an invitaton for meeting.

2. Write the email subject

The email subject is a very important factor when it comes to getting the attention of people. If your email subject is not attractive, people will mostly ignore your email.

So writing the email subject is very important, it should be detailed but at the same to the point. In simple terms, it should explain the whole email in a few words, so that person who gets the email understands that the email is something important and he opens the email.

You can find various email templates online that you can use in your email if you are not creative while writing emails.

3. Write email body

Once the person has opened his email, now he should be able to understand the agenda of the email, and what most people do is make their emails so boring that the reader doesn’t want to read and exit the email.

So now you may have got the idea that only email subject is not important but also writing the email body plays a very important role in the success rate of email. Since according to the research by campaignmonitor only 18% of people open emails.

Here are a few ways to increase the success rate of email.

  1. Use points at the start that describes the whole email and if the person find it useful he will read the whole email.
  2. Try to keep your email short and simple.
  3. Don’t write your whole email in one para, otherwise it would look boring and the reader doens’t know where to take the pause.
  4. Use Bold to mark the important parts of the email

4. Select a professional meeting App

I think this is the most important step of all because if you don’t have a professional meeting platform, you cannot express your ideas to your meeting members and if the platform has lots of issues like voice lag, slow loading then everyone will be upset and they won’t be able to get what you are trying to explain.

So here are the 3 best platforms you can use for professional meeting

  1. Zoom
  2. Skype
  3. Slack
  4. GoToMeeting
  5. WhereBy

You can use these platforms to hold your meeting and they are very simple to use and as a meeting moderator, you will have total control over the meeting.


Now you may get a clear idea of how members invitation for professional meeting online where you can give a detailed business presentation, the platforms that I share with you have all the features such as sharing screen, sharing PPT, and much more.

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