Prospecting and canvassing customers is a very time-consuming activity. Especially for entrepreneurs. While you have a thousand things to deal with, you can free up time by turning your website and blog into prospecting machines.
By clearly defining your objectives and the right content strategy, you will undoubtedly be able to do without door to door. Here are the steps to follow:
Clearly define your business objectives
Before you start writing blog articles or creating landing pages, it is important to clearly define your business goals. You know our favorite expression: the white sheet and the pencil are the best friends of the business owner.
If you already have a website, you need to identify the number of monthly visitors and the conversion rate to leads . If you are generating sales, also note the customer transformation rate. To put it simply, your marketing strategy should define how many visitors you need to have to sell your products/services.
Example: You have 100 visitors per month on your website. 20 fill out a quote request form (these are your prospects) then 10 places an order (customers). The average basket is € 1,000. You get a turnover of € 10,000. Your conversion rate is 20% and your customer conversion rate is 10%. If your monthly turnover target on the web is € 20,000, you must therefore double the traffic to your website to generate twice as many prospects and customers.
To easily track your sales, we recommend using a customer relationship management (CRM ) tool.
If you have just created your site, you can analyze your traffic using Google Analytics and observe the trend in terms of conversion.
Prospecting on the internet is attracting visitors
When you have defined your revenue goals and identified the number of visitors you need to attract to generate leads, you need to put in place a real strategy to bring prospects to you.
Attracting prospects depends in large part on natural referencing. You must therefore develop a content strategy based on the needs and expectations of your targets. What are they looking for? What is their problem? What information might they need later?
You must therefore know your customers well to offer quality content and then convert your visitors into prospects. Creating a professional blog has almost become essential to effectively prospect on the internet. While your website is an online business, your business blog will allow you to attract visitors by providing them with quality content. It will show the credibility of your business and your ability to meet or anticipate the needs of your prospects. By selecting the most relevant keywords, and optimizing your SEO, you will be able to achieve your goals in terms of traffic and lead generation.
Thanks to premium content and suitable contact capture tools, you can then convert visitors to your site or blog into prospects.
Share your content on the web
SEO is good but it is not always enough. At least, you can increase your website traffic by sharing your content through multiple channels. Social networks have become essential and sharing content allows you to animate your community and retain your customers. We think of Facebook and Twitter of course but also Linkedin if you have a professional target (BtoB).
You can also pay for online advertising to directly redirect Internet users to your products and services. By setting up your campaigns correctly, you will only pay for those who have made a purchase.
Qualify prospects
An online prospecting strategy will be useless if you don’t know where the leads you are generating are coming from. It is imperative to be able to qualify your prospects. Did they arrive thanks to an article? Did they click on an advertisement? Did they download a guide or a discount code? All these elements will allow you to qualify your leads. In other words, they will allow you to prioritize according to the intention and need of the visitor (are they curious? Do they want to buy now? Are they comparing products?)
You can determine the qualification levels of your prospects (lead scoring) to select which ones will be the most inclined to buy. You can put “cold” prospects in an email loop to determine their level of interest in your brand.
Experiment, test, analyze
Google Analytics is your best friend. By setting your statistics, you can see which articles or pages best convert your visitors into prospects. Best of all, if you have an ecommerce site, you can easily see which pages are generating the most sales.
This allows you to adjust your pages and your conversion funnel. Generating a lead sometimes depends on the color of a button alone. Depending on your site, a red button may be more effective than a blue button. With AB testing techniques, you will know what works best to convert prospects and then turn them into customers. By analyzing the traffic to your pages, you will be able to determine the themes that interest your prospects and you can offer similar content to attract more visitors and thus find new customers.